Akron Brass Product Repairs for Authorized Akron Brass Dealers
Attention End Users
For local service, fire departments can organize repair requests directly with a local dealer. Any requests shipped to Akron Brass will be returned to sender, effective February 1, 2024.
For expedited repair service on any of your Akron Brass products, please follow the directions below:
Repair Process:
Read and indicate acceptance of the terms and conditions for Akron Brass Repairs.
Complete the information required on the repair form accessed from the button below
Upon completion of the form, you will receive an email message with an attached packing list and address label.
Send your product to Akron Brass in a carefully packed box with one return address label and one packing list per package.
Terms and Conditions
You will have 60 days beginning on the date of this message to accept or refuse the estimate.
You will receive additional follow-up messages if we have not received a reply accepting or refusing the estimate.
Five days after your 60 day follow-up, if we have not received a reply, your product(s) will automatically be returned without repair and you will receive an invoice for the estimate and shipping charges.
Additional shipping charges may be added if products are not shipped to the correct repair facility.
The estimate charge will be waived if the repair is completed.
Akron Brass reserves the right to refuse products that are beyond repair and should be replaced.
Filling out an online repair order indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions above.